Main features

A hub for medium-sized industry

The Zeitz Chemical and Industrial Park covers approximately 232 hectares. It thus ranks among the medium-sized chemical sites. Well over 50 companies have settled in the Zeitz Chemical and Industrial Park, of which about 10 are industrial enterprises. They generate annually more than 300 million euros in sales and have together invested almost 400 million euros in tangible assets. The industrial enterprises employ more than 600 staff – around 400 further employees constitute the local industry service providers. The dominant products of the site are: basic chemicals, lubricants, speciality chemicals (wax products and adhesives) and the utilization of biomass. The site portfolio is completed by industry-related service providers (laboratory analysis) and engineering and technical facility planning, maintenance and servicing, as well as R&D services, IT and software development. There are also various recruitment, catering and conference facilities.

Key Facts

Main lines of business:
Chemical raw materials,
– Specialty Chemicals,
Utilization of biomass

Companies in the Park:
– app. 50

Tangible fixed volume in the park:
– app. EURO 400 million

Employees in the park:
– app. 1,000

Location description:

Article “The green Chemical Park”


Infra-Zeitz Servicegesellschaft mbH
Chemie- und Industriepark Zeitz
Hauptstraße 30
D – 06729 Elsteraue

T. +49 (0) 3441/ 84 24 02
F. +49 (0) 3441/ 84 20 29